Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Alttex - platform perdagangan mobile berbasis di blok

All crypto exchange can be divided into two types: centralized and decentralized. Centralized exchange is an exchange where all data and information are stored in one place. The fact that this exchange, in contrast to major banks, has no chance to invest some money in enhancing security, causing such exchanges to often fall under hacker attacks, fraud from internal employees and price manipulation. These unlawful interventions are often successful.

Switch to legal dimension. For centralized exchange, in case of fraud, the site provider is fully responsible. On decentralized exchanges - directly to people who perform illegal activities. Therefore, decentralized exchanges are not attractive to fraud. In the case of detection with transactions contrary to law, legal entities have the right and opportunity to close centralized exchanges. As for decentralized exchanges, trade is peer-to-peer. To stop such trades, it is necessary to stop certain people's actions by withdrawing the software.

Alttex is a consortium that brings together decentralized exchanges, crypto messengers and Smart Safe. It was developed primarily for Android mobile platforms, iOS and Windows Mobile.

The Alttex currency exchange is decentralized, therefore crypto and crypto signals are not stored in one place, which makes them safer and more reliable. In addition, the exchange of decentralized crypto-cards, Alttex, will allow you to make purchases and sales without intermediaries and without paying additional commissions.

Alttex is an innovative system consisting of decentralized crypto exchange, crypto messenger, and secure crypto. Our system allows people to purchase crypto currency from anywhere in the world with a bank card. The platform is based on the following principles: security, ease and interface that can be understood, designed specifically for mobile devices, advanced technology and a strong team. This document covers the main dates of the development of the Alttex platform and the advantages, functions, possibilities, the team behind the project and its mission and objectives.

Alttex, Crypto Exchange Features:
It is decentralized, which means the system is secure and prevents the exchange of hack and DDoS hacker attacks
Reliable security system: all data secured with ID Touch, Face ID, pin code system, which you will receive in your email, with allowed IP address system and two authentication ranges;
This device is designed to trade with iOS-based mobile devices, Android and Windows Mobile
Implement the trading convenience of mobile devices and users can control the entire process easily with one finger;

The fact that each user, regardless of location, will be able to refill the balance for existing crypto purchases with his unique credit or debit card.
Simple, fast and secure verification system: to buy crypto with money from your credit or debit card by connecting your card to your account instantly AltScanner
Gives its users the option of selecting some crypto debit cards, (Xapo and others) issued that can be easily replenished on the exchange. This will allow you to withdraw money with minimum commissions

Intermediaries are excluded from the process, transactions are made directly
The alternative use of the 0x protocol, developed specifically for decentralized exchanges
There are no additional commissions, such as for the issuance of pending or completed orders. The commission for the addition of the balance is lower than the cost of a 1-minute telephone call abroad
User transaction data is not stored in one place, why no central organization can collect its data
High transaction speed: more than 100 000 transactions per second
Alttex Mission

Our mission is to perfect what is considered 'good'. Our team aims to create a universal integrated platform with a high level of reliability, satisfying the needs of users of cryptocurrency as much as possible.

Implementing the Alttex project, we assigned the following tasks:

Creation of a modern and decentralized crypto exchange.
Development and manufacture of modern crypto messenger AltMessenger.
The organization and development of the secure AltSafe, based on the principle of multicurrency, uses the most advanced protection technology

Design for Mobile App

Users will not spend precious time learning the interface and function as a simple and intuitive interface. In addition, the app is designed specifically for mobile devices, which makes it universal and can be used anywhere in the world and user comfort.

Buy Crypto currency in one click, using only bank card. This exchange is specially designed for mobile devices with Face ID and Touch ID technology.

Advantages of Alttex:

1. multifunctional and multitasking;
2. Minimize the cost of using digital currency;
3. Compatible with all kinds of modern mobile devices;
4. Easy-to-use interface, convenient and intuitive;
5. The best use of UX applications;
6. Transaction speed;
7. A series of expanded functions;
8. The most modern level of protection;
9. Able to perform transactions both anonymously and upon completion of verification;
10. Automated learning system;
11. Professional support services.

Our platform includes crypto exchange, crypto messenger and AltSafe. This function allows users to use different crypto for payment with minimal commissions. Our multicurrency wallet is capable of holding different cryptoes. Users will be able to share their savings and update their account information. There will also be an opportunity to dial out to any phone number, using AltMessenger.


AltMessenger is a decentralized messenger, working on block chain technology. As such, it does not have a central server and is therefore completely unprotected. It not only performs communicative functions but also allows you to purchase items using crypto wallets, sell goods and receive crypto.

Altmessenger feature

The communicative function Crypto messenger Alttex allows not only to keep communication for personal and commercial purposes, but also has many other useful functions.
The multicurrency purse This crypto gives users a chance to store different cryptoes and exchange them.
The Custom Tab trading platform of Custom Store will allow you to buy your favorite products and convert currency.
Entertainment. The multimedia app will make your free time interesting. There will be a genre for all.
Chat room. There will be an opportunity to create a chat on the messenger.


Smard Safe AltSafe is a wallet for cryptocurrency that provides an opportunity to have access to money in blockchain. In such a wallet you can store different cryptoes, redeem one currency into another currency, transfer money, control your balance. The existing crypto wallet has a number of flaws, such as support for only one particular cryptourency, which makes the use of the wallet uncomfortable.

Excess AltSafe:

High level of safety. This is a "flexible" wallet, which includes the advantages of "hot" and "cold" wallets;
Ability to monitor and realize your own balance in real time;
multicurrency: allows you to store different crypto and perform various transactions with it.
This is a mobile app for all device types, which is also decentralized. All data is in the cloud and can be displayed on the screen

your device;

You can add new wallets and easily transfer money to them. Each time, a new wallet will be generated for security purposes;
There will also be any news from the cryptocurrency market in the application;
After the release of the app, we will begin to create secure physical crypto (similar to flash drive (example - TRezor);
You can easily transfer money from the exchange to safe and back (Of course, you can not use the amount you enter for online deposit until a certain date).

Token Information

Token Symbol: ALTX

Token Type: ERC20

Supply of Token: 50,000,000 ALTX

Token Price:
Pre Sale: USD 0.5 / ALTX
ICO 1: USD 0.7 / ALTX

Token Sale Date:
Pre Sell: January 21, 2018
ICO 1: March 3, 2018
ICO 2: March 19, 2018

Currency received: ETH, BTC

Cap Hard: USD 20,000,000

Example of USD 1,000 ROI in Pre Sale:
1000 / 0.50 = 2000 ALTX + 50% (1000ALTX) = 3000 ALTX
Total in six months you get 3000 * 1 $ = $ 3000, and also has 3% of profit from exchange income.
For example, Bittrex exchange income is about $ 1.6 million per day, Exmo - $ 94,000 per day, Livecoin - $ 58,000 per day.

untuk informasi silahkan ihat website

Alttex Site: https://alttex.io/

Alttex Telegram: https://t.me/alttexEn

Alttex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alttex/

Alttex Medium: https://medium.com/@alttexico/crypto-currency-is-very-fast-gaining-popularity-81695c5e74f3

Auhor : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH: 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Luxcess Group Bounty


Luxcess Group adalah dana investasi pertama dengan komisi nol dan penghargaan seumur hidup untuk kontributor. LUXCESS GROUP juga disebut proyek Initial Coin Ofering awal, yang mencakup tiga jenis pendapatan dan akan memberi penghargaan kepada para pendukungnya dengan hadiah seumur hidup. Perusahaan investasi ini membentuk platform Royal, yang berbasis teknologi Blockchain. Semua investor akan dapat menyetor koin mereka ke platform ini, yang akan beroperasi dengan prinsip SAHAM. Itu berarti bahwa Anda hanya akan membayar komisi atas proits yang akan kita buat. Anda dapat sepenuhnya mengendalikan modal Anda. Luxcess Group juga akan meningkatkan harga koin LXC, dengan berinvestasi di proyek kami hanya dengan koin LXC kami. Bergabunglah dengan kami sekarang dan kita akan bersama-sama menciptakan hari esok yang lebih baik.

Luxcess Group akan memberi kesempatan kepada masyarakat umum dan akan memberi orang kesempatan untuk memiliki masa depan yang lebih aman dan lebih baik. Kami telah memutuskan untuk menjadi kepercayaan investasi pertama yang memungkinkan investasi tidak hanya cepat, sederhana dan aman, namun juga memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari kisah hebat ini dan keluarga Grup Luxcess. Karena kita sukses sebagai tim, kami percaya bahwa kunci kesuksesan diintegrasikan secara keseluruhan. Kami percaya bahwa setiap anggota kelompok akan membantu mereka sendiri, dan juga keberhasilan anggota lainnya.

Tim Grup Luxcess juga telah mengembangkan sebuah sistem yang menjamin keuntungan jangka panjang. Kami akan meraih harga koin yang sangat bagus di pasaran, karena berinvestasi dalam proyek kami hanya dilakukan dengan koin kami. Harga koin akan stabil dan periode pertumbuhan konstan akan terjamin, yang merupakan jaminan bahwa lebih banyak orang akan berinvestasi dalam mata uang kita. Pada waktunya, lebih banyak uang dibutuhkan untuk membeli koin, yang merupakan satu-satunya pilihan bagi orang untuk bergabung di platform kami.

Visi dan Misi

Visi dan misi Luxcess Group adalah membantu orang menjadi bagian dari keluarga investasi besar. Di sisi lain, tujuannya adalah untuk memungkinkan pengelolaan yang transparan dan eskalasi modal bagi sebanyak mungkin orang. Kami selalu percaya bahwa kerja tim, informasi dan disiplin sangat penting untuk kesuksesan.

Kami tidak hanya bergabung dengan investasi, seperti perdagangan Crypto, Crypto Trading, Forex Trading, perak dan emas dan memulai proyek ini, namun juga akan memberikan integrasi masyarakat secara umum ke dalam keluarga besar, yang akan meningkatkan keuntungan yang dihasilkan. dan memberikan esok yang lebih baik daripada semua anggotanya.

Untuk mendapatkan Luxcess lebih dekat dengan orang-orang, kami akan membuka banyak acara baru di tahun 2018, 2019 dan 2020. Di sana, orang akan berkesempatan untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang Luxcess Group, di mana rekan kerja kami akan selalu tersedia untuk pertanyaan Anda. Selain itu, akan memungkinkan untuk membeli, menjual atau mengganti koin LXC di kantor ini.

Proyek Luxcess Group ini berlokasi empat pilar, sebagai berikut:

Kerja tim


Kami mengembangkan platform Royal karena kami ingin investor kami memiliki kontrol konstan atas modal mereka. Keuntungan dari platform ini adalah teknologi berbasis blockchain, yang memiliki banyak faktor positif, seperti kecepatan, transparansi, akurasi, kehandalan, keamanan dan desentralisasi. Ini berarti Anda akan memiliki kontrol konstan atas modal Anda dan Anda selalu dapat memutuskan untuk meningkatkan modal, menarik hanya satu bagian atau keseluruhan modal, semua tanpa biaya masuk dan keluar. Dalam platform Luxcess Group, Anda dapat memeriksa Balance / credit Anda serta data investasi dan harga koin.

Platform Grup Luxcess sangat mudah digunakan, namun Anda masih merupakan investasi profesional. Platform ini akan tersedia sebagai aplikasi mobile juga. Seperti yang telah kami sebutkan sebelumnya, transparansi dalam Luxcess Group sangat penting, dan inilah salah satu alasan mengapa kami memutuskan untuk mendirikan platform Royal.

Platform Royal Luxcess Group


Tujuan Luxcess Group adalah mengenalkan investasi kepada masyarakat umum. Kami ingin mengenalkannya sebagai aktivitas dimana seseorang dapat terlibat. Dengan demikian, gagasan dan platform dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga memastikan penggunaan cepat dan cepat, karena semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa klik mouse.

Kami adalah proyek pertama yang mengalahkan tiga jenis pendapatan Anda:
Pertumbuhan harga koin.
Hadiah jika Anda mendapat dukungan dari nol.
Perdagangan Royal Luxcess.

Kepada Investor Krypto

Luxcess Group juga menawarkan kesempatan langka yang bukan "pump and dump" tapi kesempatan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan jangka panjang dan juga kami menambahkan apresiasi ekstra atas kesetiaan anda.

Bagi Investor "Fiat"

Dengan proyek ini, Anda memiliki kesempatan bagus untuk menjadi bagian dari dunia kripto, merasakan keuntungan dari investasi klasik dan mengikuti tren.

Kelebihan teknologi blockchain adalah kecepatan, transparansi, komisi, akurasi, kehandalan, keamanan dan desentralisasi.


Dengan berpartisipasi dalam proyek ICO Luxcess Group, Anda akan mendapatkan koin LXC. Kripto yang bisa diterima adalah Ethereal (ETH). Harga mulai dari 1 koin LXC akan menjadi 0,15 USD selama proyek ICO. Jumlah koin yang akan Anda terima bergantung pada saat Anda berinvestasi dalam proyek ICO. Mereka yang berinvestasi dalam proyek ini sebelumnya akan mendapatkan lebih banyak uang logam. Ini berarti bahwa investasi sebelumnya menghasilkan lebih banyak uang logam.
Simbol: LXC
Jumlah Token: 35.000.000
Platform: Ethereal (ETH)
Token Harga: 0.15 $



Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi:

WEBSITE: http://luxcess-group.com

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LuxcessGroup/

TELEGRAM CHAT: https://goo.gl/xoRvrY

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/luxcessgroup/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Luxcess/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LuxcessGroupPage/

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/luxcess-group

Penulis : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH : 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

PROPERTY COIN- investasi real estate

Lately the world of investment is growing very rapidly, one by one investment platfrom emerging, not only from the number of participants but also the number of species, from the investment platform of trade, health and property, I want information about new platfrom with investment services, Okay just go

A coin that would represent a crypto investment opportunity that shares in the North American real estate property market, the nature of coins as a driver of growth of existing real estate investment business, in addition Coin Property provides an alternative to the volatility of bitcoin and other crypto, Coin Property using a combination of proprietary technology and expertise to find other hidden opportunities for less properties in metropolitan areas across the United States.

Property Coins are an exclusive key to entry in token supported by a diversified and professionally managed and diversified portfolio of real estate loans not found using Aperture's technology platform.

The Property Coin is changing the Aperture team's collective experience with our unique technology platform. As a result of this exciting combination, we have developed a tested beta property investment model, "said Matt Miles, co-CEO of Aperture.

Aperture is a technology of Real estate and investment that depends on commitment, rehabilitation and placement of depressed housing and loans to smaller investors with the same strategy. In other words Aperturefaat Aperture is intended to reinvest 50% of the profits of new real estate investments related, with a view to creating PCX effects.

So far these companies are already their business partners and are expected to be involved in closing more than $ 150 billion of real estate financing transactions, inflation of more than 3,000 properties, from more than $ 10 billion in mortgage loans and preloading preliminary technology on new stock deals in the world.

Although Property Coins are focused on the U.S. real estate market, it is available for purchase by investors from around the world, and if future property market conditions are appropriate, Aperture will look to invest in the global property market.


A. Cryptocurrencies are supported by real assets

B. Real Estate Tech supported by data science

C. Utilize a professional investment experience Wall Stand Real Estate

How to work?

Aperture will invest 100% of the net proceeds from Coin Property Coins in real estate properties and loans through the purchase entity Coin Property (PCX, LLC and its affiliates).

Each Property Coins holder will have a fractional percentage of all assets in the Coin Property purchase entity (PCX, LLC and its affiliates). The coin holders are also entitled to get 50% of the net profit from these property and loan investments. Aperture will reinvest the profits on a new related real estate investment, with a view to creating a natural price appreciation effect for the coin holders.

Property Coins incorporate traditional securitization technology into a coin format, and are created in conjunction with one of the most respected law firms in the field of structured finance.

We plan to raise up to $ 50 million to be invested in property and loan investment opportunities identified and evaluated by our proprietary tools related to the expertise of our experienced team.

We have been testing our beta systems and methods since 2016, making real-world property investments with our own capital. This test has resulted in the rejection of approximately 99.8% of available investment opportunities and we only choose 0.2% of the best opportunities viewed. To date we have generated over 50% of IRRs that are not negligent to our investment.

Take a look at some of the properties we have printed

Before after


Tim Senior

Further information visit:

Website: https://propertycoin.re/en/

Whitepaper: https://propertycoin.re/en/whitepaper/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Property_Coin

ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2929725

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/propertycoin/

Author : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH : 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119


In the current era of technological development is very rapid, therefore we created a platform for video networks, YouTube, and Vimeo which has increased demand for video in developed countries and there has been a rapid increase in other parts of the world. Because this multi-billion dollar industry is run by profitable companies.

Buzzshow is a new video platform created as a social media for video creators, video viewers and the general public who want to get entertainment, but Buzzshow is different from the existing entertainment media such as youtube and facebook, in addition to video content providers Buzzshow also provide reward to the video created, so that every video they create is time-consuming but will also provide income to each video creator, the service is operated by the people who created and used it, potentially becoming the number one video site globally.

Buzzshow also provides a fresh decentralization approach to the online video market, which will restore power to the hands of producers, curators and consumers, who make many markets in the market. Under decentralized laser systems, content makers, curators and the consumer community must decide for themselves what they think is appropriate for their respective services, to take advantage of most of the center. This means that all users have the opportunity to benefit economically every time they sign up, view, upload, recommend or share a video.

How to use BuzzShow with BlockChain

This platform uses IPFS (Interplanetary File Sharing) to ensure the content is fully distributed. IPFS is the deepest hypermedia peer-to-peer protocol that can be accessed with addresses designed to create ways to share and store distributed and persistent files. This allows you to store files that are independent of a central database that relies on most video sites.

January 25, 2018


In the current era of technological development is very rapid, therefore we created a platform for video networks, YouTube, and Vimeo which has increased demand for video in developed countries and there has been a rapid increase in other parts of the world. Because this multi-billion dollar industry is run by profitable companies.

Buzzshow is a new video platform created as a social media for video creators, video viewers and the general public who want to get entertainment, but Buzzshow is different from the existing entertainment media such as youtube and facebook, in addition to video content providers Buzzshow also provide reward to the video created, so that every video they create is time-consuming but will also provide income to each video creator, the service is operated by the people who created and used it, potentially becoming the number one video site globally.

Buzzshow also provides a fresh decentralization approach to the online video market, which will restore power to the hands of producers, curators and consumers, who make many markets in the market. Under decentralized laser systems, content makers, curators and the consumer community must decide for themselves what they think is appropriate for their respective services, to take advantage of most of the center. This means that all users have the opportunity to benefit economically every time they sign up, view, upload, recommend or share a video.

How to use BuzzShow with BlockChain

This platform uses IPFS (Interplanetary File Sharing) to ensure the content is fully distributed. IPFS is the deepest hypermedia peer-to-peer protocol that can be accessed with addresses designed to create ways to share and store distributed and persistent files. This allows you to store files that are independent of a central database that relies on most video sites.

This platform plans IPFS (Interplanetary File Sharing) in future releases to ensure the content is fully distributed. This allows most video sites to be dependent, so you can save files without relying on centralized databases. As a result, videos are stored on multiple systems, thus unaffected by DOS attacks or ransomware attacks. This advantage is faster, more open, and more secure than centralized centralized video encoding schemes.

Future BuzzShow platform releases are based on 3rd generation Blockchain technology that provides essential transactional, essential, stability, and security costs that are important to social media networks.

Sales and Allocation Program Token BuzzShow

This platform plans IPFS (Interplanetary File Sharing) in future releases to ensure the content is fully distributed. This allows most video sites to be dependent, so you can save files without relying on centralized databases. As a result, videos are stored on multiple systems, so they are not affected by DOS attacks or ransomware attacks. This advantage is faster, more open, and more secure than centralized centralized video encoding schemes.

Future BuzzShow platform releases are based on 3rd generation Blockchain technology that provides essential transactional, essential, stability, and security costs that are important to social media networks.

Sales and Allocation Program Token BuzzShow

Token BuzzShow sales program starting on:
February 12, 2018 and will expire on March 12, 2018, with the following token specifications:

Total Token Supply: 150,000,000 Token
Maximum number of tokens for Sale program: 93,000,000 (62%)
Token price: 1 token = $ 0.25
Hardcap = $ 20,000,000,000
With Token allocation details
62% of total all tokens are allocated for sales programs
14% of total all tokens are allocated to a reserve fund
5% of total all tokens are allotted for sales bonuses
2% of total all tokens are allocated to bounty programs
8% of all total tokens are allocated to the BuzzShow team
7% of total all tokens are allocated to BuzzShow shareholders
2% of allocation of all tokens is allocated to BuzzShow advisors

And the funds raised from the sales program will be allocated

R & D base 25%
Marketing & Business Development 30%
Operating cost 7%
Self-owner of content 10%
Communication 8%



For more information please visit the link below:

Website:BuzzShow BuzzShow
Blog: http: // buzzshow.com/blog
White paper: https: //www.buzzshow.com/tokensale/resources/files/buzzshow_white_paper.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/buzzshownetwork/
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/buzzshownetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/buzzshow
Reddit: https: //www.reddit.com/user/BuzzShow

Author : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH : 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Kamis, 22 Februari 2018


Image results for bloomzed image org

What is Bloomed?

Bloomed is a leading programming that has an open API and consists of a large number of programming blocks that are incorporated into shared frameworks. Along these lines, within this framework, some innovative settings can be found within similar frameworks making it a simple method to monitor single pieces and the overall framework.

What progress can be found within this shared framework?

Inside the templates Bloomzed some instant innovation and ready to take advantage.

These include:

Bloomed Mobile Payments Module: This is a portable installment module that supports NFC exchanges with advanced emanations and can also interact with Point of Sale paying machines and the Universal Cloud Payment Management / Wallet / Management System that lets customers keep tabs on cards. Significant is this module can be coordinated to the latest applications that continue running under Android.

Bloomed Universal Cloud Payment System
This Bloomzed framework section is a cloud cover template that fundamentally meets dynamic administration needs and client account information capacity, card history information and additional key substitutions on portable devices. Innovation is not resistant to hacking the Wallet management framework.

Bloomed Wallet Management System

This product stage enables clients to have the capacity to utilize their mobile phones such as wallets that are tied together. Like most wallet frameworks, it allows clients to have the capacity to perform various installments, make exchange and use their phones.
Bloomed Cloud Transformation Module
This module fills in as the final confirmation for cloud installments that will be created within the framework and can function independently as a feature of the Universal Cloud Payment Payment template

Bloomed e-Money

This is purposely intended for e-cash handling.

Valuable Gifts: This proves to be useful for advertisers who need methods to compensate their customers. They can do so through the Bloomze Gift support in versatile apps or via SMS. There is a wide range of support to explore for example. hardware, pharmaceuticals and so on and these may be traded for administration or related merchandise at disconnected and online stores.
Bloomed Retail
It is an equipment and programming framework that allows retailers to know installments from anyone. type: card, electronic, digital money, with NFC code and QR. With this arrangement, you can process installments through a POS machine, register money or utilize a desk.

Bloomed E-Commerce

This arrangement makes it possible to smooth the nature of client benefits and is appropriate for all mobile phones. This module is very profitable for electronic business.

Token and Bloomed Thickness

The Bloomed Token (BZT) is a standard token of ERC 20 that fills as some kind of 'ticket' into the Bloomed Crypto Club. Buying or receiving it lets you be a part of the club and along this line can
appreciate every individual's advantages.

What technologies can be found in this unified system?

In the Bloomzed system, there are several ready-made and ready-to-use technologies. These include:

· Mobile payment module Bloomzed
This is a Universal Mobile Payment System and Universal Cloud Payment System, which allows customers to manage cards. It should be noted that this module can be integrated into any existing application running under Android.

· Bloomzed Universal Cloud Payment System
This component of the system is a cloud-based payment system that primarily serves the purpose of managing and storing user accounts. This technology is resistant to breaking the management system of the wallet.

· Bloomzed Wallet Management System
This software platform allows users to use their smartphones as unified wallets. Like most wallets systems, they allow users to make all kinds of payments, make transfers, etc. Using their phones.

· Block Bloomzed Cloud of publishing Transaction the Module
This module serves as the ultimate Cloud Computing system.
Competitive advantages of Bloomed projects
Our project concept not only takes into account the experience of the leading players of the market, but also the current trend in the development of the electronic payment ball. Therefore, to ensure the competitiveness of Bloomzed, the focus is on the following areas.

Provides the most complete functionality among other similar projects on the market. Currently, Bloomships provides users with the greatest opportunity among the mobile wallets in the world. The project of stimulation combines all the basic actions of competitors described in the previous section, and combines functions in one place. In fact, Bloomed is a payment tool that includes payments and payments in cryptographic and electronic media, working with online and offline payment cards.
The relevance of technology from the platform. Bloomzed Wallet uses all modern technologies in the field of mobile payments. This is NFC, USSD, QR, Bluetooth Smart, HCE.
Continue to improve the security of current transactions. The information security of the Bloomshops project is in the form of the following: all financial transactions can be cashed from partner agents (in banks, exchange offices, ATMs). You can also leave money on the account that has a deposit function (ie, Accumulated interest for accumulation); all of which include confirmation of voice messages (voice, fingerprint, facial biometry, retina);

This is the name of the event for BZT membership token that is required to participate in the Bloomzed Crypto club. It consists of two rounds:
the first round will start on December 19, 2017 at 12:00 UTC + 3 and will continue until December 26, 2017 or when it reaches 5000 BZT Hard Drive, whichever comes first;
The second round will start on January 17, 2018 at 12:00 UTC + 3 and will continue until February 17, 2018 or when it reaches 45 million BZT Hard Drive, whichever comes first.

What is a "BZT" token?

BZT or Bloomzed Token is a token that serves as a "ticket" to a private club called Bloomed Crypto Club. After buying or receiving it, you can become a member of this club and enjoy all the relevant bonuses and benefits of BZT owned by the owner of a certain token. You should take into account that BZT is not a monetary or other obligation of Bloomzed's companies, its partners and / or its structural subdivisions. Membership tokens can not be cashed for cryptography, electronic money or money. Bloomzed did not repurchase BZT.

In fact, the membership token is a tool that can be used to determine the right to vote. Bloomzed Crypto. The fee for BZT is a membership fee for participating in the club and is non-refundable. Participating in the TGE Bloomed Crypto Club, users understand and agree that BZT acquires the rights to participate as a member of the Bloomzed Crypto Club. The money is donated to the BZT is an entry fee, and therefore the non-refundable distribution of BZT is carried out through the ERC standards under a smart contract.

What you need to note about the token;

1. BZT is not a cash or other material liability of Bloomzed, its partners and structural units
2. A membership token can not be cashed for any crypto-currency, electronic or fiat money
3. A bloated company will not participate in the purchase of BZT
3. It is planned to issue 100 million BZT.

Cost of BZT
1 BZT = 0.002 eth and 1eth = 500 BZT
The minimum purchase of BZT is 250 tokens or 0.5Eth



For more information, you can visit the official website at the link below:

WEBSITE: https://bloomed.io/
WHITE PAPER: https://bloomed.io/white_paper/en.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/bloomed
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bloomedinfo
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/bloomedinfo

Author essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH : 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Vestarin memperkenalkan platform kriptocurrency multifungsi

Jumlah pemilik kriptocurrency semakin bertambah. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk jumlah proyek blockchain dan ICO's. Meski begitu, penerimaan kripto kardiak sebagai metode pembayaran sangat terbatas. Vestarin melihat perkembangan ini sebagai sebuah kesempatan dan memperkenalkan platform kripto-kardiak yang multifungsi yang harus mempercepat proyek dan membantu koin digital diterima secara luas.

Apa itu Vestarin? Vestarin

Di dalam whitepaper-nya, tim Vestarin menguraikan gambaran tentang dunia kriptografi: "Tahun ini dunia teknologi blockchain menjadi virus. Puluhan platform baru, token dan mata uang muncul setiap hari. Perintis di antara toko dan layanan mulai mendapatkan keuntungan dalam kriptocurrency. Semakin banyak orang bergabung dengan industri ini, banyak uang diinvestasikan, banyak proyek diluncurkan, banyak perspektif dibuka. Tapi pada saat yang sama, itu lebih mirip potongan puzzle terpisah, tidak seperti gambar umum. "

Vestarin ingin membangun jembatan antara semua perspektif tersebut dan memperkenalkan platform yang menghubungkan beberapa fungsi ini. Platform dapat digunakan melalui aplikasi di ponsel cerdas Anda dan melayani grup sasaran bisnis dan pribadi.

Platform ini didasarkan pada empat fungsi utama. Pertama, Vestarin ingin melayani pemilik toko, restoran dan lokasi hiburan. Melalui platform, pemilik ini bisa menawarkan produk dan layanannya. Pelanggan mencari penyedia ini melalui aplikasi dan membayar di tempat dengan token VST, mata uang utama platform. Opsi kedua dari platform ini adalah manajemen reputasi untuk ICO's. Melalui platform tersebut, pengunjung bisa membahas ICO dan meninggalkan peringkat. Hal ini membuat jelas bagaimana kepercayaan terhadap ICO tersebut. Pilihan ketiga yang diberikan oleh Vestarin adalah kemungkinan bagi profesional blockchain untuk membentuk tim dan bekerja sama. Dengan cara ini para ahli dapat membuat layanan mereka tersedia untuk berbagai tim ICO. Akhirnya, ada kemungkinan untuk mengikuti semua berita tentang kriptocurrency via platform. Untuk tujuan ini, Vestarin memberikan wawasan tentang berita dari berbagai sumber.

Selain empat pilihan utama ini, ada juga sejumlah fungsionalitas menyeluruh. Sebagai contoh, akan memungkinkan untuk mengkonversikan kriptocurrency pada titik pertukaran yang andal dan melalui peserta chat aplikasi dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain, namun juga melakukan pembayaran.

Apa yang bisa kamu lakukan dengan token itu?

Vestarin mengeluarkan VST. VST akan menjadi mata uang utama platform. Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan itu dan token ini juga digunakan untuk biaya pertukaran. Selain itu, pelaku bisnis akan membayar sebagian omset mereka melalui platform ke Vestarin. Vestarin ingin menggunakan sebagian dari biaya tersebut untuk membeli kembali dan menghancurkan token VST. Pasokan beredar akan menjadi lebih kecil dan lebih kecil dan Vestarin menyatakan di whitepaper-nya bahwa nilainya akan meningkat sebagai hasilnya.

Seperti apa peta jalan itu

Vestarin telah mengerjakan proyek ini sejak September lalu. Pada periode intervensi tim dibangun, whitepaper dikembangkan dan ICO ini diselenggarakan. Saat ini tim sedang mengerjakan demo platform. Pada bulan April tahun ini, versi Alpha akan muncul, diikuti oleh versi Beta di bulan Juli. Dari bulan Agustus, Vestarin ingin memiliki versi nyata pertama dari platform live, setelah itu akan diperluas dan konsep dipasarkan.

Mengapa ICO ini?
Alasan ICO ini ada dua. Di satu sisi, tim pengembang mencari dana untuk pengembangan platform. Di sisi lain, token VST memainkan peran sentral dalam ekosistem Vestarin dan karenanya harus dibawa ke pasar.

Wat adalah rincian ICO ini?

Total koin yang dikeluarkan 200.000.000 VST
Koin yang dijual 165.000.000 VST
Harga Pre-ICO: 1 ETH get's you 3.000 VST
ICO Publik: 1 ETH mendapatkan setidaknya 1.300 VST
Bonus Ya, selama ICO publik jumlah VST yang kamu dapatkan untuk 1 Eter turun dari 2.000 menjadi 1.300
Dividen Tidak, tapi akan ada program buy-back
Data Pre-ICO: 30 Januari sampai 28 Februari
ICO Publik: 5 Maret sampai 4 April

Dalam video di bawah ini, tim Vestarin menjelaskan bagaimana platform bekerja.

Jika ada informasi yang anda butuhkan tentang Vestarin saya sudah sediakan dibawah ini:

Website: https://www.vestarin.io/en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vestarin.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vestarin
Telegram: https://t.me/Vestarin
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2701796.msg27621449#msg27621449

[OVERVIEW] CRYDER - Decentralized taxi platform for freelance drivers



1. Because very Profitable

Some drivers can use unconditional Cryder and start earning extra money which is very profitable. we are committed 0% without fixed tariffs and additional charges make Cryder the most profitable platform on the market today.

2. Decentralized

Here there is no central authority collecting your important personal data, processing and storing your privacy data. You remain unknown and all your routes are disguised

3. Immune to Law

Cryder is an autonomous essence built on the Ethereal blockade. Behavior is constant and irreversible, because Cryder is immune to laws, regulations and limitations

4. Unstoppable

You can connect with Cryder using mobile apps that are compiled from Cryder sources. The team from Cryder will publish and maintain it on its own, but anyone can create their own version of Cryder app and distribute it on their own. Thus Cryder can not be stopped and without any limitations of its users.

How CRYDER Works

1. User Sending Request To Drive With Current Location And Purpose
2. All Near Riders Receive This Request And Make A Bid On Tokens Cryder
3.Users Receive All Offers And Provide Something Required
4. When Offer Is Received, Tokens Required By Cryder
5. After Receiving, Riders Can See Locations
6. When User Until Destination, By Deal And Users Receive Required Tokens


Start date: October 20, 2017 (17:00 UTC + 0)

End date: 3 November 2017 (17:00 UTC + 0)

Completed distribution of Cryder tokens: 50,000,000 CDT

Currency received: ETH

Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 9,000 CDT

Number of tokens per person: unlimited

Minimum transaction amount: 0.1 ETH

Maximum transaction amount: unlimited

All unsold tokens will be burned


Day 1: + 20% bonus

Day 2: + 15% bonus

Day 3: + 10% bonus


Start date: January 2018

End date: January 2018

Cryder token distribution: 400,000,000 CDT

Currency received: ETH

Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 3,000 CDT

Number of tokens per one person: unlimited

Minimum transaction amount: 0.1 ETH

Maximum transaction amount: unlimited

All unsold tokens will be burned

Information will be available after presale
Or can visit wensite cryder https://www.cryder.io/ for more information 


For more info about Cyder project

Website : https://www.cryder.io
Whitepaper : https://www.cryder.io/files/cryder_whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cryder.io
Twitter : https://twitter.com/cryder_io
Telegram : https://t.me/cryder_io_en
Bitcointalk ANN thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2229732.0
Bitcoingarden ANN thread : http://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=20086.0
Bounty Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2229841.0

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

Eth: 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Dimensions Network - hybrid trading platform

Dimensions Network - a hybrid trading platform providing access to trade in crypto currency, options, futures. This is the next generation of Cryptocurrency platforms. Dimensions will support standard pairs of coins, options, futures contracts, stock exchange aggregator and much more. We expect a great deal of interest in these new derivatives and a significant return on investment. Moving forward, we expand our services in a decentralized network and offer our users cryptographically secure derivative trading and, ultimately, a real-time transaction currency.

Dimensions offers advanced derivative trading products along with our regular Cryptocurrency Exchange:

Ordinary trade
Margin Trading
Trade Options
Futures Trading
As the Cryptocurrency market grows, there is an increasing desire for more sophisticated hedging and speculation. We make this a reality.

Our trading system is written using Erlang for maximum scalability and constant availability.

Erlang language is used by global stock exchanges to ensure the availability of their platforms under extreme load.

"Erlang is a programming language used to create scalable, on a large scale, real-time software systems with high availability requirements. Some of them are used in telecommunications, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. The runtime system Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance

Dimensions Networks support asset locking across multiple chains. We will start with the support of Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT for coins trading, options and futures.

We will provide support for the top 10 crypto-conversions, and then add the full range of ERC-20 and other Altcoins tokens.

The introduction and withdrawal of funds is a constant problem in the cryptographic trade. Our bank licenses will allow us to accept your USD, EURO, SGD, KRW, JPY

When the time comes to withdraw funds, we will send this money directly to you. Strike Coin (STC) is a token issued by the Dimensions Network service to perform a number of functions. Initially, the token will be used to distribute rewards to our token holders. A 15% share of commission fees created by the Dimensions Network will be transferred to our token holders as a reward

Access to the Dimensions Platform
  Web - Our full-featured web platform gives you everything you expect from professional stock and derivatives trading services. Coin, margin, short circuit, options contracts, futures contracts and much more.

Mobile - The ability to track and make transactions on your mobile device is vital for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year on the crypto currency market. Do not miss the next step, because you were out of the office!

API - Our platform is available according to industry standard REST API and provides JSON data transfer channels. Integrate our platform with your trading interface, a trading bot or just use our web interface.

The Dimensions command

Gift Token

As mentioned above, the 15% share of the generated token will be given as a reward for the token holder. This award has been distributed every 3 months as an Etereum benchmark to the holder with the date of the rewards issued but recently, plans to move the awards to be awarded every month, every week and every day. One thing to note at the beginning is that: as the duration between the issuance of rewards decreases, the volume of wage increases, therefore, requires new plans to set the duration of the issuance of the prize

To get more detailed information and join the current Dimension Network Project please visit the following Links:

Website: https: //dimensions.network/en/
whitepaper: https: //dimensions.network/static/home/doc/DimensionsNetworkWhitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/dimensionsnetwork/
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/DN_STC
Telegram: https: //t.me/DimensionsTalk

Author : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH :  0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Peer Mountain

Apa itu Peer Mountain

Peer Mountain adalah sistem kepercayaan terdistribusi terdistribusi terdistribusi terdistribusi terdahulu. Ini menggunakan protokol kriptografi untuk memungkinkan individu dan institusi membuat dan memelihara catatan tepercaya yang berisi identitas digital, hubungan kepercayaan dan kepercayaan. Anggota sistem memiliki dan mengendalikan data; Mereka memutuskan siapa yang bisa mengaksesnya karena informasinya tidak dapat diakses dan tidak ada waktu yang dapat diakses pihak ketiga.

Kami juga membuat merek Peer Mountain Peerchain ™ dengan nomor tag 017282931 dan 017350182. EUIPO Ini adalah tujuan kami untuk melepaskan Peer Peer Peer Peer di Peer Mountain Android dan iOS Open Source dan Open Source Peer Mountain Certification Engine SDK. Kami juga bermaksud menghadirkan protokol RFC Peerchain ™ untuk mengembangkan standar terbuka yang dapat digunakan semaksimal mungkin di lingkungan ekonomi manapun.

Protokol peerchain

Setiap operasi peer-mountain ditentukan oleh jenis pesan. Pesan-pesan ini dilampirkan dalam amplop yang memberikan informasi latar belakang dasar untuk semua operasi. Pesan itu sendiri berisi rincian tentang setiap operasi. Pesan yang mengubah status sistem dikelompokkan dan dicap di layer blockchain yang tidak bisa diubah. Penyedia layanan atau entitas eksternal lainnya (misalnya, pengendali) dapat berjalan tanpa harus menjalankan pesan blok joystick / objek memori. Hanya ID pesan dan hash isi pesan yang tersimpan di lapisan pemblokiran. Semua informasi lainnya disimpan dalam database berkinerja tinggi.

Teknologi Peerchain ™

Pelanggan melihat contoh gunung sejawat secara transparan.
Sertifikat ini sangat mudah dilakukan.
Agen didistribusikan oleh penyedia layanan yang beroperasi di industri yang diatur.

Image result for peermountain bounty bitcointalk


Blockchains tidak dirancang untuk menyimpan sejumlah besar data, yang masuk akal: semakin kecil struktur data, semakin baik pemblokirannya. Peer Mountain memiliki memori yang mereferensikan dan menerima informasi terenkripsi yang tersimpan dalam penyimpanan offline. Peer Mountain Samples dapat menyimpan objek terenkripsi di Storj, IPFS, HDFS, TahoeFS, Amazon S3, atau solusi baca / tulis berkinerja tinggi lainnya.

Kelas tinggi

Karena mekanisme konsensus mereka, blokade membutuhkan lebih banyak data. Namun, pemblokiran ini tidak mampu memproses transaksi besar secara bersamaan.

Peer Mountain memungkinkan segmentasi layanan yang aman dan tidak sah di seluruh penempatan blok. Ini berarti bahwa sebuah organisasi dapat mengatur layanan yang memerlukan sejumlah besar transaksi real-time di unit peer-mountain yang berdedikasi dan menerapkan keseluruhan layanan mereka ke gabungan blok rekan-gunung.

Misalnya, bank dapat mengatur contoh giro tertentu, jenis kartu kredit dan pinjaman mobil tertentu. Konfigurasi ini membagi volume transaksi menjadi huruf besar dan huruf kecil, yang memungkinkan bank memperoleh layanan data berkecepatan tinggi dan kompatibilitas data antar sampel. Artinya bank bisa menggunakan informasi dari dokumen kartu kredit nasabah berupa kredit mobil dan rekening giro.

Faktor ekspansi 75%
Harga Discovery Factor 5%
Putaran SmartcapTM 1 Diskon 25%
Tingkat paritas Token 1.500 PMT = 1 ETH
Putaran Penjualan Kumulatif 4 Cap 223.437.500 PMT
Putaran 4 Kumulatif ETH 124.181 ETH
Putaran 4 harga titik penemuan 1.728 PMT = 1 ET

Distribusi Token Peer Mountain:

40% masalah PMT
Peer Mountain Reserve
40% masalah PMT
Kompensasi tim
10% masalah PMT
Cadangan legal
8% masalah PMT
konsultan jaminan
2% masalah PMT
jenis token
Token Standar ERC-20
ICO terakhir
Di Smartcap ™

Alokasi Kami akan mengalokasikan hasilnya dalam empat bidang utama yang diminati:


Gunung Tim Peer

Tim kami memiliki pengetahuan untuk menawarkan platform terbaik dan pengalaman pengguna terbaik. Kami sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menerapkan Peer Mountain dalam waktu singkat di seluruh dunia sehingga ekosistem kita akan segera memberi nilai nyata bagi investor dan pengguna. Untuk memastikan keberhasilan ICO, kami juga bekerja sama dengan sejumlah penasihat terpercaya yang ahli dalam bidang penawaran.

Untuk lebih lanjut silahkan lihat website kami.

Website: http://www.peermountain.com/
Kertas Putih: https://www.peermountain.com/peermountain-whitepaper.pdf
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2626975.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeerMountain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Peer-Mountain-489107644789749/https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2626975.0
Telegram: https://t.me/peermountain

Penulis : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH : 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Minggu, 18 Februari 2018

WORLD WIFI - Wi-Fi Global Decentralization Network Based On Personal Routers

Hello guys meet again with me ,,,,, few days I learn about what World Wi-Fi it. I will completely peeled and will tell my friends all, World Wi-Fi is a future project for the internet network that is currently especially very big Indonesian nation using communication over the internet, almost 80% of the population in Indonesia has been hooked his name is internet. So this project will be very developed in the country of Indonesia.

Many of the benefits that we will get from World Wi-Fi, among others, allows us to do business with an incredible range of breadth and is supported with a very high yag network with a speed of 30 mbps.

World Wi-Fi brings cryptocurrancy that will boost the world's finances through advertising on the internet based on ico, which is currently in its infancy. World Wi-Fi project is highly expected by all over the world so that all humans can enjoy the Internet network, because the record at the United Nations today only 70% of the world's population can enjoy the internet, and the 30% have not enjoyed it, so with the presence of World Wi-Fi will help people around the world enjoy the internet network.


Detailed information:

Website: https://en.worldwifi.io/

Whitepapper: https://en.worldwifi.io/files/whitepaper/en.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/worldwifi.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldWifi_ICO

Autthor : essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH :0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

WORLD WIFI -Jaringan Wi-Fi Desentralisasi Global Yang Berbasis Pada Router Pribadi

pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memberikan ulasan tentang worldwifi yang bisa dijadikan pertimbangan dalam mengamati proyek terbaru yang sangat ini sedang berjalan,dan memiliki konsep yang bagus,untuk lebih jelasnya mari lihat pembahasannya sebagai berikut :

Apa itu WORLD WI-Fi?

  Proyek Wi-Fi Dunia adalah jaringan Wi-Fi gratis terdepan dan terdesentralisasi di router pribadi (yang sebagian besar merupakan router rumahan). Setiap pemilik router dapat mendistribusikan Wi-Fi gratis, menghubungkan pengguna lain dan mendapatkan mata uang kripto. Pada akhirnya, setiap orang menang: pengguna biasa tidak dapat membayar Internet, pemilik router menerima pendapatan, dan pengiklan target pemirsa mereka. World Wi-Fi adalah proyek dunia yang dibangun oleh masyarakat.

Platform WORLD WI-Fi dikembangkan dengan menggunakan teknologi Big Data untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data aktivitas pengguna yang tidak dipersonalisasi, yang memungkinkan pengiklan mendemonstrasikan iklan mereka kepada mereka yang benar-benar menarik. Teknologi pemblokiran memungkinkan dilakukannya transaksi antara peserta proses dengan cepat dan murah, memberikan jaminan bersama kepada para pihak, berkat kontrak yang cerdas, dan memberikan informasi yang benar-benar dapat dipercaya dan transparan kepada pengiklan mengenai kampanye iklan.


Apa itu WORLD WI-Fi?

 Proyek Wi-Fi Dunia adalah jaringan Wi-Fi gratis terdepan dan terdesentralisasi di router pribadi (yang sebagian besar merupakan router rumahan). Setiap pemilik router dapat mendistribusikan Wi-Fi gratis, menghubungkan pengguna lain dan mendapatkan mata uang kripto. Pada akhirnya, setiap orang menang: pengguna biasa tidak dapat membayar Internet, pemilik router menerima pendapatan, dan pengiklan target pemirsa mereka. World Wi-Fi adalah proyek dunia yang dibangun oleh masyarakat.


Platform WORLD WI-Fi dikembangkan dengan menggunakan teknologi Big Data untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data aktivitas pengguna yang tidak dipersonalisasi, yang memungkinkan pengiklan mendemonstrasikan iklan mereka kepada mereka yang benar-benar menarik. Teknologi pemblokiran memungkinkan dilakukannya transaksi antara peserta proses dengan cepat dan murah, memberikan jaminan bersama kepada para pihak, berkat kontrak yang cerdas, dan memberikan informasi yang benar-benar dapat dipercaya dan transparan kepada pengiklan mengenai kampanye iklan.


Airbnb tidak membangun hotel, tapi menawarkan semua orang sedikit untuk menjadi pemilik hotel mereka sendiri.

Uber tidak memulai armada taksi, tapi dia menawari seseorang untuk menghasilkan uang di mobilnya sendiri di waktu senggangnya.
Jadi WORLD WI-Fi tidak akan membangun hot spot, dan menawarkan kepada pemilik router sedikit untuk menjadi operator telekomunikasi dan mendapatkan penghasilan pasif.
Perusahaan ini meluncurkan proyek berskala besar berdasarkan bisnis yang sukses di bidang hotspot WI-FI dan iklan di jaringan WI-Fi. Radius WI-Fi dan platform Adrenta beroperasi di 80 kota dan memiliki staf 100 orang. Pertumbuhan titik temu untuk tahun tersebut mencapai 784%. Perusahaan menganalisis model bisnis yang ada ini dan menyadari bahwa, berkat teknologi pemblokiran, adalah mungkin untuk menciptakan jaringan Wi-Fi terdesentralisasi global dan membuatnya gratis bagi pengguna melalui periklanan. Televisi juga bekerja sekarang; Satu-satunya perbedaan adalah bahwa perusahaan cukup untuk menunjukkan iklan singkat dan tidak mencolok saat terhubung ke jaringan, sehingga proyek tersebut dapat diproduksi secara komersial. Versi demo World Wi-Fi sudah berjalan dalam mode uji coba. Pasar utama yang membentuk dan mengoperasikan proyek Wi-Fi Dunia adalah pasar periklanan online untuk pengguna rumahan. Sampai saat ini, ini adalah niche gratis yang besar. Proyek Adrenta dan Radius Wi-Fi saat ini difokuskan pada iklan Wi-Fi di tempat umum (bandara, kafe, restoran, pusat perbelanjaan, dll.), Mereka akan disertakan dalam platform Wi-Fi Dunia dan atas dasar mereka pasar bebas Internet di tempat umum di seluruh dunia.

Bagaimana Blokchein Bekerja di Dunia WI-FI

Sistemnya adalah jaringan pengiklan terdesentralisasi, pemilik router dan konsumen jaringan. Untuk mengatasi masalah pemalsuan data yang mungkin terjadi, kontrol terhadap fakta tampilan materi periklanan, serta menjamin pemenuhan kewajiban remunerasi yang menguntungkan pemilik router, blokade Graphene (atau analog DPOS lainnya) digunakan. Secara umum, perlu menggunakan peserta istimewa untuk memastikan kontrol atas pelaksanaan kewajiban yang benar antara semua anggota jaringan. Sebuah program untuk remunerasi delegasi dipertimbangkan. Fungsi delegasi mencakup penyimpanan database negara yang direplikasi dari peserta jaringan dengan informasi mengenai penargetan, yang diindeks data menurut bidang: geokopi router, jumlah pengguna, usia, minat, informasi tentang kampanye periklanan masa lalu (ROI, konversi). Sebenarnya, database adalah data konvolusi yang diindeks dari blok. Hal ini disebabkan kebutuhan untuk cepat memilih pemasok untuk permintaan dari pengiklan, serta untuk menghitung statistik konsumsi, yang merupakan nilai utama bagi pengiklan. Akses ke informasi ini harus segera dilakukan. Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk menggunakan penghambat yang memungkinkan pengindeksan keluar dari kotak. Pada prinsipnya, ini hanya berlaku untuk delegasi, yaitu bagian perangkat lunak di pihak mereka.

Skema untuk menjual token


Selama pra-penjualan dan Token Sale, 258 juta WT akan tersedia untuk pembelian. Token yang tidak terjual akan hancur

 Token WT WeToken (WT) adalah mata uang domestik Platform Wi-Fi Dunia, semua transaksi dalam platform hanya akan dilakukan di WeToken. Token Emiten akan menjadi World Wi-Fi PTE Ltd. WeToken (WT) tidak akan menjadi kertas berharga karena nilai token WT sepenuhnya tergantung pada tindakan peserta Platform. Operator platform memiliki peran yang benar-benar dimediasi dalam Platform. Dengan status legal penuh penjualan token dan status pajak dan hukumnya, akan memungkinkan untuk membiasakan diri dengan Memorandum of Placement.

 Selama ICO, token ETH ERC20 akan dijual.

1 WeToken = 10 iklan di Dunia Wi-Fi = $ 0,1 - di panggung ICO. Sampai saat ini, rata-rata biaya pasar dari 10 tayangan iklan bertarget di jaringan Wi-Fi adalah $ 0,3. Dengan demikian, harga token pada ICO adalah diskon awal.








Untuk Mendapatkan Informasi Lebih Lanjut Dan Bergabung Dengan Proyek World Wifi diisi dengan proyek yang sedang dikerjakan Saat Ini, Silahkan Mengunjungi Beberapa Tautan/Situs Berikut :

Website :https://worldwifi.io/
Twitter :https://twitter.com/WorldWifi_ICO
Facebok :https://www.facebook.com/worldwifi.io/

Penulis: essella

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH : 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119