Rabu, 29 November 2017

MAVIN — A reward-based influencer marketing Ecosystem on Blockchain.

Hello guys !! Today I will discuss about a decentralized platform of ecosystem marketing that takes advantage of social media. namely Mvin.
What is mavin. ??
Mavin is actually a currency that is based on two words namely maven and influencer. Maven here is someone with a good knowledge or understanding of a subject. while Influencer is someone who influences or changes the way people behave.
so the goal of Mavin is to create a global marketplace, where brands and companies (marketers) and nano and micro influencers (influencers) get together. With a target that marketers will benefit by reaching a wider audience with a higher level of engagement. And influencers will be paid by marketers for some social media names, giving them the opportunity to participate directly in marketing budgets. because we know that marketing is not only distributed to famous influencers but to all ordinary people, because every person is also an influencer.

From the above we find that Mavin is a reward-based, reward based decentralized marketing ecosystem based on blockchain that links digital marketers and agencies to micro and nano influencers in social media. With Mavin's quality verification framework allowing micro and nanoscale targeting at a new level, while offering transparent KPI measurements and disruptive levels. The marketing of influenza will be a form of marketing that focuses on influential people rather than the overall target market. It identifies individuals who have an influence on potential buyers, and directs marketing activities around influencers only.
Currently, influencers use social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Snapchat, etc.) to communicate their message to their followers.

Target Market Mavin

Mavin builds bridges between marketers / agencies / brands and influencers. The two together combine to create a market size of several hundred million dollars, with the distribution of about 90% of digital marketing 9% of agencies and 1% of global brands focused on target customers, where the platform charges transaction fees based on total marketing costs.
Marvin Platform

nfluencer An important factor of the Mavin platform is its user base, influencers. They contribute to different campaings and earn rewards in return.


Marketers are Mavin platform contract authority. They choose from different campaign types and place them for tenders. They reward influencers for successful participation.

Human Examination
Quality verification is a key component of a reliable campaign. The reward-based verification process by reward is part of the Mavin Quality Verification Framework.

Blokchain Etereum

Based on the Ethereal blockchain, Mavin's formulary uses the ERC20 token supported by Raiden Network for its ecosystem. MVN tokens can be purchased with and exchanged with fiat currency.

MAVIN ecosystem

Mavin differs from other influencer marketing platforms because its user base is under, ranging from very small influenza influencers. The typical fight fights with the number of influencers they need to handle and reward - that's one of the reasons why nano and micro influencers have fewer chances than their larger competitors. Mavin is based on blockchain-based applications with a self-maintained quality verification framework - an approach that lays the foundation for a highly scalable platform that is capable of maintaining high quality standards.

Marvin Token

Marvin uses Blockchain Etherum technology with MVN tokn. The MVN Token is a token release based on the Etherum ERC 20 Token Standard blockchain technology and is used as a mechanism to reward contributors to the platform. Token can be obtained by following ICO from Mavin. ICO will begin for 6 days 22 hours or on 22 November 2017.
In addition to the MVN token, the Mavin platform uses an internal rating system. Influencer gets quality verification points by contributing to the platform. These points are based on design, not based on the ERC Token Standard 20 due to the nature of their micro transactions, therefore high cost for transactions. Which is where the internal scoring system and the corresponding points are based on Raiden Network to utilize blockchain.tform technology

Token Details
Token name: Mavin
Token symbol: MVN
Price token / ETH: 1ETH = 30,000 MVN
Total number of tokens: 4,000,000,000 MVN
Number of token distributions: 2,400,000,000 MVN (60% of total tokens)
Blockchain: MVN uses standard ERC20 Blockchain technology
Minimum Goal: Minimum target amount of funding is 2,500 ETH but if target is not
  reached investors can take their funds back
Soft cap: Creation will be closed if acceptance of ETH 20,000; token distribution event will be
  remains open for 72 hours or until the hard cap cover is reached
Hard cap: Hard cap will close if it has received funding of 80,000 ETH
Token Distribution

will restrict token production of about 4 billion tokens to be released for ICO at a base price of 30,000 MVN per ETH 1. ICO will take place from 22 November to 16 December and tokens will be in the liquid about 60% for sales, 20% for reward influencers, 18 % for the team and the remaining 2% for bounty and other programs.

Bonus Token

Pre ICO Token MVN
Presale tokens through a whitelist program will run before the start of ICO, from October to November 19, 2017. Participation in this program ensures a place in the event of upcoming token distribution and transaction cost reduction on the first day of token sales. At this stage, it is also possible to purchase tokens for fiat money or other crypto currencies other than ETH upon request

Bontie Token MVN

In addition to the 2% bonus of token amount will be awarded to reward individuals and partners for their support of ICO. Disinila we can get the token for free by following the bontie. The boints held include:
> Signature and avatar campaigns at bitcointalk.org with a share of about 0.30% or as many as 12,000,000 MVN
> Blog and Media Pulleys with a share of about 0.25% or as many as 10,000,000 MVN
> Translator and moderation with a share of about 0.25% or as many as 10,000,000 MVN
> Campaign with Facebook or twitter with a share of about 0.20% or as many as 8,000,000 MVN
> Partners and Advisors with a share of approximately 1% or as many as 40,000,000 MVN
Bonus tokens from bountie will be earned after ICO is complete
Team Marvin

Daniel Jazbec

CEO & Project LeadDaniel is a certified IT specialist with extensive experience in the financial and marketing industries. The focus is on blockchain, web solutions and business process integration. He is a designated product and financial specialist and former COO in asset management.

Giovanni Toma
CTO & Technical Lead
Giovanni is a full developer with more than 20 years of experience in software development. His deep interest in software and hardware makes him a strong partner in every aspect for successful implementation of complex IT projects. He is our blockchain expert.

Roman Balzan

CMO & Leading Communications
Roman is a senior business professional with an in-depth knowledge of digital stories, start-up consulting and project management. As an X-Googler and online marketer, he developed topics related to MarTech and decentralized app solutions

Silvan Baumann
CXO & Memimpin Pengalaman Pengguna
Silvan adalah insinyur front-end berpengalaman dan spesialis UX dengan keahlian yang luas dalam media digital, kewirausahaan dan kepemimpinan. Latar belakangnya memungkinkan dia untuk melakukan perjalanan pengguna tanpa gesekan untuk banyak proyek


Ilona NiedererMarketing & Sales

Ilona is a marketing and sales specialist. Her experience in this field enables her to work with new customers and communicate the latest product features to market audiences


Sarah Müller
Project management
Sarah Müller is a specialist for online marketing and -communication. He has long-term practical experience in managing complex website marketing and e-mail projects, both in cross-sector B2B and B2C environments.

More Info

website: https://mavin.network

  whitepaper: https://mavin.network/download/whitepaper/Mavin_Whitepaper.pdf

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mavin.network/

twitter: https://twitter.com/mavin_network

medium: https://medium.com/@mavin.network

telegram: https://t.me/MavinNetwork

Author : essella

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772



Investy is a social platform with an investment index that is not tied to any central structure in which cryptographic currencies, funds, various investment instruments can be bought and sold safely and transparently.
Blockchain industry is developing day by day, new crypt currencies and new tools of crypto currency are seen daily in the stock market. Initial participants should use the social environment so that they are not lost in this crowd.

This is a very profitable and future-oriented crypto investment tool to guide new traders and investors who want to invest and combine them with experts who have years of experience to share experience and knowledge in a social environment.


1-Ratio Grading Safely: the results of our traders and investors are registered in the chain of chains. This means that the results are completely safe and can not be processed in any way. You choose an expert based on an open score, and with your investments you start to win.

2-Fund Security: all transactions are not allowed to fraud and fraud, passing the opinions of experts Investy. Thus, the risk of losing money is gone.
3-Safe Investing with System Analysis: if any transaction on our platform is detected as malicious or any attempt at fraud, the system will block the transaction directly. Fraudulent attempts are blocked and thrown out of the system.


Our investment management advice and our partner responsible for global marketing, OpenLedger is our first history of coin sales;
Start: November 24, 2017
COMPLETED: December 18, 2017.
In addition, right after the sale of our coins, our IVC coins will be sold in the OpenLedger DEX market.
You will receive a bonus of 5% by specifying the whitelist.
White list - References
Hedef Miktar: 14.2 million US Dollars
Minimum Miktar: 3.2 million US dollars
Belirtilen yatırım araçlarıyla alım yapabilirsiniz. BTC, ETH, LTC, BTS, USD, EUR



You can see this ideal offspring in detail on the road


We are all confident that our project will be successful with our managers who have at least 5-10 years of experience in the investment sector.

Our guide


The developers of this excellent offspring did not forget the hunters for the prizes.
for more information:

Website: http://investy.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Investy3

Medium: https://medium.com/investy

Telegram: https://t.me/InvestyCommunityEN

Whitepaper: http://investy.io/Investy-WP-0.9-EN.pdf

Prototype: http://demo.investy.io/

Author : essella

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

Minggu, 12 November 2017




Pasar prediksi adalah sebuah pasar keuangan atau informasi, di mana para peserta memperdagangkan kontrak yang hasilnya tergantung pada kejadian yang tidak diketahui di masa depan1. Hal ini didasarkan pada hipotesis pasar yang efisien. Harga pasar akan menjadi prediktor terbaik dari acara ini, di pasar prediksi yang benar-benar efisien, dan tidak ada kombinasi informasi lain yang dapat digunakan atau diterapkan untuk memperbaiki prakiraan pasar yang dimunculkan. Namun, tidak mungkin pasar prediksi benar-benar efisien.

Intinya, pasar prediksi memungkinkan peserta bertaruh taruhan atas kemungkinan terjadinya berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi 2, seperti kejadian yang berkaitan dengan pemilihan, olahraga, cuaca, hiburan, dll. Individu yang berpartisipasi di pasar, dengan membeli saham atau 'bertaruh' untuk hasil spesifik tertentu, diberi penghargaan berdasarkan keakuratan prediksi mereka.

Sebuah pasar prediksi dapat didefinisikan sebagai:

Tempat di mana individu dapat bertaruh pada hasil peristiwa masa depan.

Pasar ini dianggap sebagai 'pertukaran' di mana sebuah organisasi dan individu dapat memasuki 'kebijaksanaan orang banyak' untuk memprediksi hasil atau mengajukan pertanyaan. Pasar prediksi, mirip dengan praktik pasar keuangan, menetapkan harga yang diperdagangkan ke sebuah keyakinan tentang masa depan.

Mereka dianggap sebagai inovasi yang mengganggu yang belum bisa menembus khalayak investor massal karena kerapuhan implementasi terpusat dan peraturan yang ada saat ini. Sebuah platform pasar prediksi yang benar-benar mengganggu perlu bersifat universal, terdesentralisasi, dan mendapat izin lebih sedikit.

Intinya, pasar prediksi merupakan wahana untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai hasil yang diharapkan dari suatu peristiwa di masa depan. Prediksi pasar membingkai dirinya sebagai pertanyaan tentang masa depan, tidak seperti pasar keuangan tradisional. Misalnya, dalam konteks pemilihan AS, sebuah pertanyaan akan menjadi:
Pesta mana yang akan memenangkan rumah putih di tahun 2020? Di sini, saham dibagi di antara opsi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya (misalnya Demokrat, Republik dan Lainnya) dengan harga saham setara dengan € 1.

Harga saham masing-masing opsi mencerminkan probabilitas terjadinya. Individu memiliki insentif untuk membeli saham, yang mencerminkan keyakinan mereka tentang hasilnya. Saham opsi pemenang menjadi dapat ditukarkan dengan harga € 1, sementara saham lainnya menjadi tidak berharga.

Gambar - 1: Bagaimana prediksi pasar

Token Trading

Struktur kerja keuangan Moirai didasarkan pada penggunaan sistem token kriptografi yang juga dinamakan Moirai Token atau MOI. Demikian pula mata uang kriptografi lainnya; MOI juga dirancang sebagai fraksional yang dapat dibagi, dapat dipertukarkan, dan dapat dipindahtangankan.

Jangka waktu: Moirai Project Development

Gambar - 2: Garis Waktu: Pengembangan Proyek Moirai

Gambar - 3: Strategi Pemasaran

Penawaran Koin Awal - ICO

Kerumunan Moirai dan proses pembuatan token akan diatur seputar kontrak cerdas yang berjalan di blokir Ethereal. Siapa pun yang ingin mendukung pengembangan Proyek Moirai, dapat melakukannya dengan mengirimkan iuran ke alamat yang ditunjuk. Iuran akan diterima dalam mata uang berikut: Eter - ETH

Informasi kunci
Sumbangan yang diterima di Ether (ETH)
Jika modal minimum yang dibutuhkan sebesar $ 500.000 USD tidak tercapai pada akhir penjualan orang banyak, semua kontribusi akan dikembalikan secara otomatis ke pemegang MOI dengan kontrak cerdas.

Penjualan orang banyak akan berlangsung selama 30 hari atau sampai topi keras tercapai
Semua token yang tidak terjual melalui penjualan orang banyak otomatis akan dibakar oleh kontrak pintar.

Gambar - 5: Informasi Kunci

Token MOI:
Moirai token (MOI) akan diimplementasikan sebagai alat yang kompatibel dengan ERC20 di atas blokade Etereum publik. Token berbasis etiket telah dengan cepat menjadi standar industri untuk menerbitkan aset digital khusus.
Kompatibilitas ERC20 memanfaatkan infrastruktur kuat blokade Ethereal dan menyediakan akses ke alat pengembangan, pertukaran dan dompetnya yang kuat. Selanjutnya, ini menjamin keamanan dan likuiditas ekosistem token yang tinggi, tanpa perlu menjalankan jaringan blokir yang independen. Akhirnya, kemampuan untuk menerapkan kontrak tanpa kepercayaan cerdas memungkinkan cara pembagian keuntungan yang transparan dan aman di antara pemegang token secara terdesentralisasi sepenuhnya.

Pemegang Token MOI berhak atas 15% keuntungan Moirai. Persentase saham akan tergantung pada jumlah token yang dimiliki. Keuntungan akan dibagikan setiap tiga bulan melalui kontrak cerdas Ethereum. Bukti juga akan dapat diperdagangkan di pasar sekunder.

Proses pembuatan dan distribusi token akan diatur seputar kontrak cerdas Ethereum. Hanya 300.000.000 MOI token yang akan dikeluarkan.
Koin tim MOI akan dikunci oleh kontrak cerdas:
40,00,000 pasokan token akan dialokasikan ke tim pengembangan Moirai. Koin yang dipersembahkan untuk tim akan dikunci dengan kontrak cerdas selama 12 bulan. Hal ini akan memotivasi tim Moirai untuk meraih kesuksesan dan meningkatkan nilai koin MOI.

Koin tim MOI akan dikunci oleh kontrak cerdas:
40,00,000 pasokan token akan dialokasikan ke tim pengembangan Moirai. Koin yang dipersembahkan untuk tim akan dikunci dengan kontrak cerdas selama 12 bulan. Hal ini akan memotivasi tim Moirai untuk meraih kesuksesan dan meningkatkan nilai koin MOI.


WEBSITE: https://ico.moirai.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://ico.moirai.io/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/10/Moirai-White-Paper-3.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2290769

Penulis : essella

MY Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

ETH: 0x4375eEFDB6cC38Fb50016e8Ba85DfD92507f4119

Kamis, 09 November 2017

Bonpay - Accept, Save and Cryptocurrency Enough

Hello friends all meet again bored with me, tired of giving him the latest information about kryptogeld world. I am here as a reliable writer, hehehehe, want to explain about kriptogeld bonpay. Bonpay is a crypto field, which is quite successful in the future. Okay, just the discussion friends I'm going to introduce.

image 02 

Bonpay became successful
friends all over the world - all so Bonpay is a sophisticated, easy and convenient service, from any device with a fully functional web version. Each user will be able to download the Bonpay app for free on Android and iOS versions by 2018. By registering an account, users will automatically create a bonpay multiparty wallet and private key. Originally stored safely in the trunk of hot and cold storage to protect your funds.

Once you have the bag can be directly loaded with cryptocurrency. To do this, the user must log into his account, go to Deposit and select the "kryptogeld" option in the options deposit list or simply click on the balance of the crypto wallet. Send the created asset to the new address listed on the Deposit page. Bonpay Crypto Card is the latest technology implementation to attract crypto-currency available to everyone.

Such features, because of its sophisticated security and ease of use make it unshakeable. Verified users can use prepaid Bonpay prepaid prepaid cards (credit card for the future) for each currency in your account on the website or (later) in the Bonpay app. After that, the user can download his bonpay card and decide between various asset blockchain (BTC, ETH, ERC20, etc.) To make payment.

image 03

Bonpay already knows

okay my friend, once we know the problem Introduction Bonpay tells more about the purpose and functions of Bonpay, among others. Introduction and promotion of cryptogeld usage and handling of cryptogeld transmissions are simple, fast and secure. The Bonpay team is committed to changing the situation and removes the barriers that hinder the transfer of cryptogeld to support the Crypto community with a fast and stable working system.

The Bonpay team can do this, by ensuring the adequacy of liquidity based on the safe interaction between game participants as well as connections of several different blockchains in decentralized networks. Of course, as it relates to individual means, then transparency, the number of flowers and the best value per currency is the first principle to be met.

And his friends Bonpay will also have access to save their users safely, while withdrawing from a variety of cryptography and token ERC20 faster at a lower cost. In addition, Bonpay also offers wallets that work on various platforms like Android or iOS and of course the live version of the web wallet, which allows users to make transactions whenever and wherever. Surely it will be a solution to the global challenge of the blockchain system which is the financial freedom of its users.

How well you know the function and purpose of Bonpay is very frightening

Bonpay kryptogeld continues to grow
Okay my friends, who continue the discussion below, that the benefits of Bonpay products, among others:
Privacy is controlled With Bonpay security you become the owner of direct payments and private key owners;
Bonpay Wallet's multi-currency account supports a wide range of cryptogeld and is compatible with various blockchains;
Ability to transfer and exchange funds in 125+ currencies at transparent and fair rates, cut-throat blockchain "asset protection";

The most important feature of Bonpay
We are. Yes, for another discussion, Bonpay's main feature, which among others is an idea in 2016 and has since become a professional team: experts in banking and finance, experienced developers, designers, marketing experts and Experts in cryptography, full of ideas and innovative solutions, working on platform development and further growth. We have successfully established cooperation with many companies that process leading credit / debit cards and open account payment systems. Since then the following milestones have been reached:

Logging on Bonpay's success
Okay our guys Sauda got into a recent discussion about Bonpay's conclusions so that his co-workers and gentlemen that digitalization of the world is inevitable. So, Bonpay is always there to connect traditional finance and the digital currency world. We make it easy and wise for people to change their local currency in digital currencies and pay with successful crypto assets around the world. To achieve our goal, we strive to solve major problems in the market - lack of liquidity. With our solutions, we strive to bring stability and user security through decentralization and maximize the benefits of digital currencies for all.

For more information about ICO Bonpay please visit the link below:

Website: https://bonpay.com/

Whitepaper: https://bonpay.com/whitepaper

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bonpay_com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonpaycom

Medium: https: / /medium.com/@bonpay

Author: ( essella) 

My Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

Rabu, 08 November 2017

LaLa World - Ekosistem Untuk Keluarga Imigran

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya menemukan sebuah proyek yang bagus, Proyek ini mengangkat isu keluarga imigran. Tentu saja sebuah proyek yang berfokus pada imigran adalah hal yang baik. Mengingat seorang imigran tidak sama dengan penduduk asli sebuah negara. Mereka datang ke sebuah negara untuk mencari suaka, mencari kemakmuran yang mungkin tidak mereka rasakan di negara asalnya. Alih-alih terlalu lama openingnya, mari kita lagnsung ke topik. Anda bisa melihat salah satu video kami di sini.

Apa itu LaLa World?

LaLa World adalah ekosistem yang dimungkinkan oleh Wallet / Wallet LaLa sebagai platform. Platform yang membantu seputar masalah imigran dan isu-isu seperti pekerjaan, identitas, pembangunan masyarakat, kemitraan LSM dan pemerintah, masalah kesehatan dan masalah keuangan untuk populasi besar. Platform ini menghubungkan aset dan bisnis dengan blockchains ke dunia nyata dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi. Pengembang dapat mengembangkan modul kontrak keamanan yang cerdas, bisnis dapat menghubungkan pengguna dan komputer mereka ke pembayaran dunia nyata.

Produk Dunia LaLa
Berikut adalah produk unggulan dari LaLa World

LaLa Transfer: Pean-to-Peer pengiriman uang lokal dan global didukung oleh kripto dan juga fiat.
LaLa Bill Pay: Pembayaran tagihan lokal dan internasional untuk Anda dan keluarga Anda.
LaLa Lends: Pinjaman domestik dan internasional Peer-to-Peer menggunakan kripto dan fiat untuk individu dan usaha kecil.
Kartu LaLa: Kartu Crypto dan fiat diintegrasikan dengan Dompet dan dapat digunakan untuk jutaan PoS di seluruh dunia.
Perangkat LaLa: Ponsel yang sudah diisi dengan Dompet LaLa, LaLa Insurance, LaLa Card
dan produk mitra.

ID LALA - Satu ID Global, Di Blokir dan Di Bawah Kontrol Anda
Dasar pemikiran LALA Wallet Anda dimulai dengan membuat identitas digital yang dapat Anda bawa secara global - LALA ID. Tim di LALA memiliki visi - untuk memberi identitas digital kepada semua orang di planet ini, dimulai dengan para migran dan keluarga mereka yang tidak layak. Kami juga percaya bahwa jika kita harus menciptakan ekosistem global yang sesungguhnya, maka kita memerlukan sistem identifikasi dasar yang jauh lebih unggul dari sistem ID yang ada. Ini harus global, tapi aman, pribadi dan tersedia sesuai permintaan.

Tim LALA dan mitranya telah bekerja tanpa lelah untuk membangun sistem identitas global yang mencakup KYC / AML, biometrik, verifikasi, catatan digital, kartu, sistem ID nasional, dan lain-lain. Ini melindungi keamanan Anda pada blockchain dan memberi Anda kebebasan untuk melakukan berbagai keuangan layanan, semua dalam satu Dompet tunggal. Secara khusus, ID LALA tunggal Anda akan dapat mengkonsolidasikan semua identitas fisik dan digital menjadi identitas pribadi yang aman, menunjuk pada kumpulan data tepercaya yang tepercaya, memungkinkan interaksi individual yang mudah di dunia fisik dan digital di beberapa aplikasi vertikal. dan memuji solusi identitas yang ada.
Mari berharap dengan proyek ini, terutama bagi imigran. Karena mungkin platform ini bisa menumbuhkan imigran di luar sana. Dengan niat baik disertai dengan visi misi dan misi yang sangat mumpuni mereka bisa dapatkan. Jika informasi di artikel di atas belum meyakinkan Anda, Anda bisa mengunjungi link di bawah ini. Terima kasih telah melihat dan membacanya.

Website: https://lalaworld.io

Whitepaper: https://lalaworld.io/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLaLaWorld

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyLaLaWorld

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lalawallet/

Penulis: essella

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1183772

Selasa, 07 November 2017

WorldCore - Best Banking up to now

Arkaşlar hello I want to mention Worldcore in this writing. Worldcore is an organization that offers a variety of payment solutions that make it easy for our customers to provide financial facilities and simplify them. Worldcore has a clear, decisive purpose for the future and set targets that can be achieved.

Worldcore is a company founded by Alex Nasonov in Prague in 2014. Alex is a visionary successful, one of the 100 successful businessmen at the Financial Times.

Worldcore past to today :

Friends were already known as a successful payment institution when WorldCore, Ethereum was established. Since Worldcore was introduced to the market, it has launched a wide range of payment products, won awards and has opened thousands of virtual doors to thousands of customers around the globe. The hopes of the future are very hopeful for the future, so Ico started on October 2, 2017 and collected 7,313 ETH / 533 BTC. Only rich investors accepted the low investment of 162 ETH / 11 BTC. The current annual transaction volume is expected to exceed 100 million Euros by the end of 2017.
Why choose Worldcore

● PCI DSS Level 1 certification;
● Extended Verification Green Bar SSL certificate;
● Biometric authentication (FaceKey and VoiceKey);
● SMS authentication.
● The National Payment Authority is licensed by the National Bank.
Czech Republic;
● Office in Prague.


● Payment account with all the features of a traditional bank account;
● Fully automated physical and virtual prepaid prepaid cards
● Almost all Visa, MasterCard international money transfers
and UnionPay payment cards;
● Free internal processing;
● Collective payments;
● Checkout solution to accept payments on your website
rapid integration


● Merchant processing;
● A wide variety of ready-made shopping cart add-ons.
● User friendly interface;
● multilingual website with more than 10 languages;
● Concierge service;
● 24/5 customer support.
Mobile version
In addition to the traditional desktop version, users can also benefit from mobile versions.

Worldcord's interface has been translated into more than 10 languages.
Mobile apps reflect the full functionality of the desktop version and have an additional input option - fingerprint.
Like the desktop version,

The Worldcore mobile app offers:

● View titles and tables.
● Make instant transfers within the system.
● Send and receive bank voicings.
● Order plastic and virtual cards.
● Hidden currency funding.
● Any Visa / Mastercard /
UnionPay cards.
● Top-up mobile phone over 170 phones
● Load Worldcore debit cards.
● Manage security setting

Future look and progress in Worldcore

Dear cryptic money-hungry reader friends, Worldcore is determined to keep the power going, to increase its capacity and not to get rehab. The company plans to open more than 10 offices in the EU countries within the next 2 years to lease local sales, support and marketing departments and memberships to AMERICAN EXPRESS, CHINA UNIONPAY, SWIFT, SEPA, VISA, MASTERCARD, JCB. Apart from that, Worldcore sees its future in the block chain, so it will start to pass this technology for business processes in a very short time.
Other plans Worldcore wants to do

The brokerage platform market, which provides Worldcore branded market leadership for block-chain assets trading with full transparency of transactions, was launched
Initiation of a Blockchain-based cash transfer platform for easy and instant conversion of cryptographic currencies;
Launch of WorldcoreTV; The world's first 24/7 TV channel and hybrid of digital media broadcast online and internationally 24 hours a day via Fintech and BlockChain industries, Satellite and IPTV;
Worldcore's corporate growth to make the world's famous sponsorship of hockey and football teams.
Worldcore Team

We are highly qualified team attending professionals
Do not create new things, something valuable.
The Worldcore team consists of employee specialists
development, back office, management and
marketing, call center and compliance departments.
Fintech and IT specialists, engineers, designers,
legal and regulatory specialists, test specialists and others
Experts. Every day we work with our customers,
solve problems and develop new technologies
Millions of people around the world benefit from Worldcore
payment solutions.
More than 40 people work in 5 people
Worldcore episodes and some people are working
As a freelancer

WorldCore, Finitec, Live ICO Crypto Transition Bringing the Mainstream
Worldcore Technical Review

Worldcore White Paper

I was very surprised when we looked at the technical review. When we searched for the Worldcore Initial Money Distribution Proposal, it was like a truly gratifying experience as someone who wrote a real crypt money. It seems that it is not possible for such a bravely approach in the crypto world of a company that has been established for a long time; but I was wrong: I could not believe the following video when I first saw it. Take a look at yourself and join this short journey with this interesting ICO opportunity.

Worldcore is an innovative payment processing company that works with banks to make the banking experience more enjoyable and easier. If the video is meant to be described, it is shudder. The main problem of modern ICO campaigns is the ignorance and disappointment of investors. We see how to empathize with ICO investors and how funds are used with a transparent vision that we normally have in various ICO road maps, where we are confident that our money is safe, that is, with the desired goal.
Friends Worldcore has been operating in the EU since 2014 after receiving a license from the Czech National Bank, and then launching the Worldcore platform. With a payment processing solution suite, the Leadership Team has embraced completely blockchain technology to accomplish this.
About ICO
On October 2, 2017, pre-sale of the ICO has already begun.
A target of up to $ 100 million has been set and preliminary sales for the sale of a minimum of 500,000 tokens will begin on October 2,

ICO Crowdsale has started on October 14, 2017 and ico is ongoing. You can invest. the investments will be used for the development and promotion of the digital banking project. Participants will be able to buy US dollars, euros, and crypto currencies and tokens.

You can join the ICO: https://worldcore.com/
Token Symbol: WRC
Unit price: 0.10 USD
Total supply: 1,000,000,000
Revenue sharing: 30% of the annual profit will be distributed to the participants on March 31, 2008. All unsubstantiated markers are destroyed.
Addresses you can reach:
Web Sitesi: https: //worldcore.com/

For more information :

Technical Documentation: https://worldcore.com/Worldcore.pdf
Prospectus: https://worldcore.com/WRC_Prospectus.pdf
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/worldcoresocial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/worldcoresocial
TeleGram: https://t.me/worldcore
Slack: https://worldcore.slack.com/
Video room: https://worldcore.com/video.html

Author : essella

Authoreon - A decentralized network with two separate protocols

Authoreon is decentralizing authorization, authentication, verification & certification and thus securing previously unsafe instances and functions.

The Authoreon solution prevents cheating, cyber attacks, identity and theft of immaterial materials, and provides a thorough search of the supply and ownership chains.

With cyber attacks, password violations, identity theft and increasing document fraud, it becomes very clear that current online security measures are inadequate.

In addition, we face increasing national security issues - often contrary to privacy and data protection rules, as well as major challenges in security, copyright & intellectual protection, and IOT reputation management.
In addition, increased awareness of quality requires identity and product history that can be tracked in the supply chain and ownership chain.

Authoreon solves the cyber security problems that cost billions of dollars each year. Only the cyber security market is expected to reach $ 231.94 billion by 2022. Can you think of the size here?

In many cases of use, Authoreon will provide solutions to a wide range of target groups, including consumers, corporations, governments and organizations, which increase network impact and reduce most of the risks of incorrect product development.

With an intuitive user interface, the Authoreon platform is very easy to interact with, store, or transfer assets to a block chain.

The AUTH specifier supply is limited and as all Smart Agreements (SCaaS) services will work only on the AUTH indicator by monitoring the supply and demand regulations; As a result, increasing demand will result in an increase in product value.

Which payment method will be accepted
We accept ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, DASH and Paypal

By using ether, your AUTH Symbols will be immediately sent to your wallet.

By using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin or Dash, your AUTH Symbol will be delivered to your wallet to the fullest. 8 hours.

Using Paypal, your token will be stored in a separate escrow bag for 30 days because at that time buyers can request a refund via Paypal. Proof max. 8 hours indicates that the AUTH icon has been sent to your storage wallet.

How to understand that Buying Germans is successful
When sending money to Authoreon in ETH, the Autheon symbol is instantly punctured and your wallet is sent. If you do not see your AUTH symbol in your wallet, follow the steps below (or see below for other options) and enter the following values:

What conditions should I bring to participate in the Crowdesales?
You need the following:

1. Your ETH in ERC20 compatible wallet (Note: it is not possible to send ETH from exchange).

2. The wallet address corresponding to your ERC20 (see example of this wallet in the Technical Questions section below).
How many items can be accessed from the AUTH token
Authoreon is the number of 1,000,000 (1,000,000,000,000) AUTH marks; where 1% + 33% will be allocated to the crowd, 33% to the company's inventory and 33% for the supply of incentives.
AUTH Token will be traded on the exchange
We will ensure that Authoreton will be able to trade in the major stock markets shortly after the crowd finishes. While we can not guarantee a significant level of Autheon Token liquidity until the platform is fully commissioned, we will make every effort to ensure that the liquidity market evolves from the outset.
Where can I get ETH?
There are many stock markets that sell Ethereal for Fiat or cryptography, including :

Coinbase, Poloniex, Kraken, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Cex.io


The Authoreon function handles use cases :

  • Identity Theft.
  • User Authentication.
  • Data Retention.
  • Cyber Attack.
  • Document Fraud.
  • IOT Security Risk.
  • Supply chain.
  • Ownership Chain.
  • Copyright infringement.
  • Reputation Management

Crowdsale Details and Token Distribution Allocation:

Symbol Token: AUTH
Total Supayay: 1,0000,000,000 (1 Billion)
Token Ethereum ERC20
Crowdsale starts on: August 19, 2017 to October 14, 2017.
Crowdsale hard hat: $ 34,000,000.
Accepted Payment: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, DASH.
33% are sold on ICO.
33% is allocated to incentivize participation.
33% is managed by Authoreon.
1% to cover tokensale costs.
Authoreon tokens are used to access certain functionalities of the platform including registering new assets, transferring assets, and other authorization features.
Authoreon tokens do not represent or assign proprietary rights or shares, shares or security rights or equivalent rights.

For more information :

Website: https://www.authoreon.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.authoreon.io/Authoreon-Whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Authoreonio

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Authoreonio-872820659537598/

Author : (essella)